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Aug 15, 2017

Our neighbors to the north are a gift that keeps on giving. Canada has given us Ice Hockey, Drake, Maple Syrup (I love it on pancakes! I love it on pizza!), and Justin Bieber. Harvey admits to having dreams about Maple Syrup and Justin Bieber, not sure if that’s in the same dream or separate dreams, he won’t go into detail. Well for episode 12 of Mart and the Fischbowl a new gift arrived in the form of Janey Brown.

Hailing from the Thousand Islands region in Ontario Janey Brown spent her early years in small town Canada with one thing on her mind, performing. She started off singing to her family, moved to the front porch where she belted it out for the neighborhood, then moved onto bigger stages and performed in front of the whole town. At the age of 18 she did what all aspiring performers do, they move to a big city. For the next 10 years Janey built herself up as a singer and songwriter in Toronto. She was hell bent on making it and her entire self worth and whole identity were based on being a performer.

Funny thing is, Janey felt like a fraud. Before and after performances Janey was riddled with fear and anxiety. She tried to remedy these problems with the pursuit of perfection and soon Janey began to burn out. Her immune system took a huge hit and for the better part of two years her voice was completely lost. The rug was swept out from under her whole world and she was forced to take a serious look inside and really find out who she was.

As was mentioned earlier Janey moved to the big city to pursue her singing career. This also meant that she had to grind. She worked as a yoga instructor, a fitness consultant/instructor, a meditation instructor, and many other jobs ranging from strip club waitress to a front desk administrative assistant. This period in her life came with ups, downs, fears, depression, anxieties, and every other emotion in between. But this struggle also came with a silver lining. After several years of therapy, self awareness and reflection, mindfulness and gratitude practices, Janey began to repair and strengthen herself again both physically and emotionally, becoming more whole, and soon a light began shining bright.

She felt new purpose in her life and although her dream to perform will never die a new dream also began to take shape. This dream involved fusing all of her experiences and careers together with the hopes to serve and help others. It came in the form of the FEARCE Academy and the Performance Mindset Program, and for the better part of 10 years Janey has been helping hundreds of thousands of people overcome their fears and anxieties in order to become whole and fully realize their most badass selves.

From lawyers to singers to IT consultants to professional hockey players, Janey has seen her vision shift and is now helping people from all walks of life. Her performance modules are geared toward gaining more self awareness, accepting your short-comings and down-falls, and making the proper adjustments to achieve emotional balance.

Breathing exercises, nervous system education, and ‘Herbs to help the Nerves’ are just a few of the things at the tip of the iceberg when Harvey and Dave dive in with Janey Brown. So grab your nunchucks, bundle up with a ‘Parka’ and a ‘Tuke’, and allow yourself to ‘Be Seen’ as the Spiritual Ninja from the North brings the house down with Mart and the FischBowl. Eh?