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Sep 27, 2019

Special guest star and Coffee Buzz Friday alum Nate Orf is back with Harvey Martin and Steve McGuiggan!

  • Can someone learn to be funny? 
  • If you were the best in the world at what you do, would you have the same habits and routines as you do right now? 
  • Why do people tend to resist doing things that are healthy but crave...

Sep 20, 2019

Harvey, Tony, and Vocca are back this Friday morning helping each other navigate through this weeks questions which include...

  • What's something that you'll never let your kids do that you used to do all the time?
  • Where do you draw the line between helping people and showing them how to help themselves?
  • What group of...

Sep 13, 2019

Harvey, Steve and Tony are together this week discussing...
  • Can you think of something that everyone on Earth can agree on?
  • How long do you think you will be remembered after you die?
  • If you could visit one other planet in our solar system which one would it be?
  • Does a person’s name influence the person they become?

Sep 6, 2019

The boys keep the same trio together as Harvey, Steve and Tony add a few extras questions this week including...

  • If you had to start writing a book right now what would it be about? 
  • If you could speak one other language what would it be and why?
  • Which activity makes you lose track of time the easiest? 
  • Knowing...