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Aug 29, 2017

“Breathe in! Breathe out! Breathe in! Breathe out! Breathe in! Breathe in! Breathe innnn!”

Bush (1994)

“Cause I can feel you breathe, it’s washing over me, and suddenly i’m melting into you.”

Faith Hill (1999)

“Cuz I am barely breathing, and I can’t find the air, I don’t know who...

Aug 22, 2017

College athletics is more popular, more competitive, more lucrative, and more visible than it has ever been. The NCAA has made more than $1 Billion each of the last three years for the first time in history. More than 26 million people watched Clemson beat Alabama in last year’s College Football National Championship...

Aug 15, 2017

Our neighbors to the north are a gift that keeps on giving. Canada has given us Ice Hockey, Drake, Maple Syrup (I love it on pancakes! I love it on pizza!), and Justin Bieber. Harvey admits to having dreams about Maple Syrup and Justin Bieber, not sure if that’s in the same dream or separate dreams, he won’t go into...

Aug 8, 2017

It’s early August and the dog days of summer are upon us. That sun is still high up in the sky and the temperatures can get HOT, and if Harvey forgets to throw on some SPF 30 his pasty white body is in danger of getting BURNED. So as Dave and Harv sat comfortably in an air conditioned room ready to speak with Devan...

Aug 1, 2017

The path through the sporting world for any athlete can most aptly be viewed as some type of funnel, pyramid, or mountain. Lots of water goes into that funnel at its largest point, yet only a small stream spits through its mouth. The pyramid has a great many stones covering a large surface area at its bottom, but as you...